“circadian lighting”

Circadian lighting is not new infact it been with us since the beginning of time. In its simplest form it describes the change in intensity and colour of light throughout the day

Its taken for granted … but we wake up to a soft warm light (sunrise) that gradually intensifies during the course of the morning until it peaks at midday, as the afternoon continues the light softens again until sunset, this happens every day. This process controls our human circadian clock helping us to sleep and relax at the appropriate times of the day. Humans are most alert and productive during the brightest parts of the day

Imagine being able to recreate the outside inside, your home lighting takes on the circadian rhythm of light to keep your body clock in check. Crestron Home makes this so simple, it just happens automatically due to the advancement in lighting fixtures that can now reproduce all the colour tones throughout the day.

As soon as you enter the room and turn on the lights they already know the time of day and what intensity and colour temperature they should be at.